Hypertext Grav Theme

A fast, simple, compliant Grav CMS theme.

Demo Pages

Date: []

This page is a demo of different ways to structure content with Hypertext theme.

This page uses the _demo/pages content in the Hypertext Github Repo.

It uses the collection page type, but it's handled the same way as blog, blog_list, and default page types. The only reason there're so many names is to improve compatibility with other themes. The children of this page are themselves a kind of "Home page" for microsites that each use this theme differently. The content in those microsites is largely generated with ChatGPT and- though realistic- shouldn't be taken seriously.

This page doesn't have anything special about it. It's just a placeholder.

Welcome to Hobbyist JavaScript! - A demo website to teach people about javascript.


This is an example collection page, including several children in order to demonstrate a leaner presentation method than blog.

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This collection exists only for testing and isn't meant to be a real demo of what content would look like in this theme. i.e. Every page has different content/data instead of being uniform, so it's going to look really weird.